in todays fast paced world we sometimes forget to do the most important thing we can do for our bodies…breathe! at breath of life botanicals we offer a variety of alternative healing modalities to help you get through the rigor of life. whether you want to take a quick five minute meditation reset or fully immerse yourself in an intensive breathwork program we have a solution for you. our line of herbal supplements and tinctures has been hand selected to work synergistically with our therapies to create a full experience for the body, mind, and spirit.
we hope you will join us on our journey of self-realization and healing; if that’s not your thing that’s fine too but at least try some turkey tail!

our natural supplements in conjunction with daily breathwork and meditation practice can be just the thing that help us cope with work related stress, general anxiety, self esteem issues, and societal pressures.
who we are
breath of life botanicals is a family owned and operated business founded in carefree, az. our mission is empowering natural bliss. this is accomplished by giving individuals the tools and resources needed to help themselves find peace and improve their health by using the methods and products found on this site. we work with our regional network of suppliers to provide only the finest quality, natural supplements and tinctures and have carefully created our teachings to be non-dogmatic and approachable. as an earth focused company our headquarters are solar powered and we pride ourselves on using post consumer recycled/recyclable packaging materials and limiting the use of plastics whenever possible.

*these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
**breath of life botanicals is not a licensed healthcare provider, the information contained on this site is intended to inform and educate. please consult your healthcare professional to make sure there are no contraindications to our products or services.