to inquire about pricing or to schedule, email:
in person or online guided breathwork
personalized breathwork plan with text and video instruction
personalized text only breathwork plan
guided group breathwork minimum group size 3, maximum 10
personalized guided group breathwork with text and video instruction
breathwork methods
yogic breathing
circular breathing (the one breath)
modern breathing techniques

to inquire about pricing or to schedule, email:
in person or online guided meditation
personalized guided meditation with video instruction
guided group meditation minimum group size 3, maximum 10
personalized guided group meditation with text and video instruction
meditation methods
yoga (as described in the ancient yoga sutras)
mantra chanting with mala beads
mudra applications
tibetan meditation on death
zen questioning
reiki & sound healing
in person reiki treatment
remote reiki treatment
live gong reiki treatment
chakra cleansing
gong meditation
singing bowl meditation
membership will grant access to high quality audio and video instructions on breathwork and meditation as well as guided meditations, guided intensive breathwork, and sound therapy. these are in development at the moment and we are exited to let you know when they are ready.
for information on in person, group or one on one meditation and breathwork sessions and reiki treatments please contact us at the below email address.
stay tuned!

*these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
**breath of life botanicals is not a licensed healthcare provider, the information contained on this site is intended to inform and educate. please consult your healthcare professional to make sure there are no contraindications to our products or services.